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Wednesday, December 31, 2008


haha yay. its a whole new year.
i shall have some resolutions for this new year too.

Since at any one point of time in life, there'll always be things to put us people off. but we can always choose to close one eye on the bad things that come about and just emphasize more on whatever is good. And then we'll smile more!

HAHA YAY! so that shall be my new year resolution - being more able to do close one eye on bad things and be more positive (:

okay. be more positive, basically. haha.

well there are many little little things that i'd like to make happen in this year, 2009.

Its going to be a busy year. I'm going to have to work hard.

Thanks for those who have made 2008 so very wonderful for me.

Thanks to those who i know, will make 2009 ever better (:


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

oh god i'm getting hallucinations. ALOT OF THEM. i keep hearing someone call my name --;

this sucks. haha

I went shopping today. hah. wow. shopping for clothes. first time in a million years i've done that. willingly. LOL

Went to IMM. Spent like. 20 minutes (oh so long) in Fox, adidas, giordano and bossini. then i ended up in Samuel&Kelvin. or is it kelvin&samuel. ah i forgot. LOL. and there i got pretty good clothes (:

Buy one get one free jeans. wow. holy crap.

oh and my trip to the Samuel&kelvin store was SUCH A PLEASANT ONE. The manager sort of attended to me. WHAT GOOD SERVICE. oh my gosh he totally suggested so many things and told me what's good and what's not about every single pair of jeans/shirt they had in the store. I tried a pair of jeans (: yay. bought. then he reminded me the store had a buy 1 get 1 free offer for buying jeans, WOOOO! so 2 pairs of decent Samuel&Kelvin jeans for 79 bucks. that's a good buy.

Then i went to see their shirts. Again the supersuper nice store manager helped me choose new arrivals (: then he say i'mma student and parents make money not easy all kinda crap. i thought he was going to say that the shirts are well priced and try convincing me into buying them. BUT REAL COOL ALRIGHT, THIS GUY. HE OFFERED ME ADDITIONAL 30% OFF THE SHIRTS I BOUGHT! omg! he took two shirts that were 19 bucks before discount. that's what he said. but later after i tried the shirt he told me that one was 26, not 19. he apologised and said he'd give me the shirt at a price of 18 dollars. NOW THAT'S SWEET. lol!

So in the end i got the two shirts for like, 21 dollars. original price would've looked something like. 45. pretty good discount (:

okay. that's a bloody good discount! LOL! and so i got 2 pairs of jeans and 2 shirts for a hundred bucks. oh oh and the nice store manager gave a necklace. LOL. FOC (: supposed to cost like 23 bucks or something i think. so nice (:
okay. the necklace looks damn ah lian to me. but my mom's in love with the necklace. so ah well. win win win situation. LOL

Anyway, although i know that super nice store manager wouldn't see this post, THANK YOU SO MUCH WHATEVERYOURNAMEISSTOREMANAGERATSAMUEL&KELVINSTOREIMMBRANCH! you made my time buying clothes so wonderful today (:

Now i get what difference service can make (:

haha yay.

okay i'm starting to get tired. and someone's getting unhappy because i'm not sleeping.

time to sleep --;

As of this minute on this day, 31st December 2008, 0038hrs, I shall STOP PLAYING DOTA.


So sorry if anyone ever wants to play dota with me and i say no.

So sorry to ernest because i said we'd go roshan level 1 but now we can't do it no more.

but i think i've got enough of dota and dota has got enough of me. time to stop (:

nights world

Monday, December 29, 2008

boredom calls for a post.

lol (:

Today i woke pretty early. six ten i think. NOT USED TO ITTT. five hours of sleep. that's pretty bad for a holiday night.

NPCC AGM!! okay. better than i thought, honestly. A few blunders made things interesting (: but i was pretty lost. since i wasn't wearing my spectacles (woops).
The new NPCC website that's supposed to be up in 2 or 3 days (i forgot the date today so sorry) looks superbly impressive. haha.

AGM ended. so we went to do some drills. pretty okay lah, mostly revisions. Hong Liang sir is really good, in my opinion. Don't know why some people beg to differ. haha.

AGM and drills ended. OHH THIS IS FUN (: FREAKING PEOPLE (GIRLS) OUT AT SALT CENTER! Gayness resulted in timyap damian kelvin and i going into the same handicapped toilet to change/talk/eat. LOL

Damian was fiddling with his christmas present (courtesy or sylvia and chermain) in the handicapped toilet. LOL. we changed. and i sprayed deo into damian's eyes/mouth by accident. WOOPS.

After that when we had enough fun of the handicapped toilet, we decided to go out! HCJC was hosting some camp thingum. for dance or drama or SOMETHING LIKE THAT LAH. the walkway outside the handicapped toilet we were in somehow, was flooded with girls. LOL!

So we pushed the door open. that freaked a few. and FOUR GUYS WALKED OUT HAHAHAHAHA. the stares were. hm. something i wouldn't see everyday. but still, pretty fun xD

Then off to poolside we went (: DAMIAN ATE HIS NICE DONUT!! after two days in his bag. pretty cool. LOL!

then off to courts. nice fridge we saw, but no moneh. sad thing eh. money's always a problem ):

So we went back to school with nothing. YAY PLAYED RISK WITH MR YONG. omg i feel so horribly badly bullied. Mr yong totally ate me up in risk ): i was first to lose. sad face. ah well. i'm noob anyway.

Then.. then............ OH RIGHT ORTUS ROOM CODE! they changed it. so our bags were stuck in the room. but godly chairman decided to punch the combination pad thingy a little and he OPENED THE DOOR WITHOUT KNOWING WHICH NUMBERS HE PRESSED O:

okay at least we got our bags. lol.

omg today was a fun day. i shall skip the part on KAP because i'm tired and lazy and the piggy that pn is. O: FAT PN OMG.

and somebody hates softtoys OMG O:
that was random.

Now i shall go off before the worst (:
before too late.

its nearly 1. lol.

nights (:

Saturday, December 27, 2008


haha sixty posts. that was. pretty fast. or slow. this blog's been existant for a million years. but okay considering that it was dead for some time... fine.

anyway, i haven't blogged for four days. I DON'T KNOW WHY. lol

Few times i wanted to blog but i was too lazy ):

anyway today and yesterday... pretty fun. but i feels a little bad over some matters. ah well, lets focus on the fun (:

Yesterday i watched two movies (lol its the first time i've done it) in a day. with edwin, chunfai, dongying, ernest and weiren. LOL.
Watched ipman and yesman. eep mun!!!

Okay ipman is a really really good movie. so is yes man. BUT IP MAN IS REALLY REALLY GOOD. I THINK ALL OF YOU SHOULD WATCH IT. ITS WORTH YOUR MONEY. I didn't really touch my drink/popcorn (neither did chunfai. we were sharing) through the movie. TOO EXCITING.

Then we had lotsa food. Totally makes me obese, all this food. WE BOUGHT 4 DOHNUTS (lol) FOR TOO LOLLERS!! damn worth it. shared with edwin darling (<3 lol). then go back up for YESMAN. hm. pretty dirty, the movie. LOL JIM CARREY IS A DOUCHE HAHAHAHA. okay. random.
But its pretty funny. Quite a good one if you need laughs (:


that's besides the point. okay. movies. Bedtime stories and uh. nothing like the holidays.

bedtime stories was a pretty movie (: nice nice!


the website got problem lah. it wrote "comedy" and it was about a family falling apart? pretty stupid. its like a story with no beginning and no end. omg lah.

but anyway, cool. four people, two movies, NINETY BUCKS. heh.

okay. sudden realisation. its the 27th of december. nono, there's like. 15 minutes left in the 27th of december. so when i end off this post... it'd be 28th of december. that's like. 4 days till the start of school.

I still haven't wake up yet lah. still in holidays. i can't believe blinkblink and its over. vietnam felt like last week. no wait. its LAST MONTH. sian. too fast. too fast for comfort.

Okay, i should buck up really soon. like. from tomorrow onwards. time to get working (:

For council
For Academics
For YFC (i think)
For SLCOT(i hope.)

hmm... i just realised this year i got the most birthday/christmas presents. even though its like. five or less -.- BUT AH WELL, better than previous years. LOL. thanks to all who bothered to give me presents (:


lol nice little proclamation there.

Well okay. i don't know what to do. i'm too lazy to post pictures too.

i shall just type the chorus of a song out. for fun (: LOL

Drive - incubus (just the chorus)
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there
With open arms and open eyes yeah
Whatever tomorrow brings,
I'll be there
I'll be there

lol. oh the randomosity. but i shall try to be that way. whatever tomorrow brings, i'll be there with open arms and open eyes. (: BRING IT ON, LIFE.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

i'm confused.

am i giving up on the right things?

i think i am.

I'm very confused.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


I just got back from the airport. Went to get my brother from taiwan. HE GOT ME A DOMO PLUSH :D

yay lol so nice. omg that was random

anyway, its bad. to get the FLIGHT DETAILS WRONG.

The flight was DEPARTING TAIWAN at 6.25

Good lah, cockeye people. go force me to the airport at 6pm ==;

So we shitted around the airport till like, 10++ then received my brother.

Lol we ate at some crappy korean bbq thingy. Really, not my food. So i gave up and went to shit everything out in less than an hour after eating. And ended up contented with mc chicken :D

After that. eh, maybe before. argh who cares. SOMEWHERE DURING THE FOUR HOURS OF SHITTING AROUND, i bought two books :D

Two business/self-help books. LOL. kinda fun. And i bought a starhub prepaid top up card too :D


Okay i'm getting awfully random. like domo xD

tsktsk. somebody's insane over cosplay and keeps talking about it. but i'm nice and just replying. haha. The Script helps me feel less irritated. Unless something blows me up. O:

sad face ):

LOL! anyway, i'm sorry if i upset anyone today, or if i made anyone feel bad. I'm really sorry. You know i'm just a little asshole who shouldn't be alive. don't take it to heart yea. sorry again.

OKAY not early. time to sleep. fat boi needs sleep.

nights world.


okay sorry for caps.

Friday, December 19, 2008

hello world.

yawn. Had NPCC training today. eventful or uneventful. i don't know lah. Squad under-performed. perhaps we haven't been to training for too long a period of time then all slack diao ):

Ah well, we shall improve.

i feel like such an ass :D
okay i always feel that way.

But i'm really tired and i shall not not not elaborate about anything. i shall sleeeep (:

nights world. shortpost. heh